In accordance with Cl 11.4 of the MWA Constitution, any Club / Member wishing to raise a formal motion for consideration (via their club delegate) at the 2024 AGM MUST propose the motion or any agenda item for discussion, for it to be part of general business at the AGM. The respective club delegate will be required to present/speak to the matter at the AGM.
Any submissions should be received by the CEO by COB Friday 15 March 2024.
Notice of MWA BOARD MOTION – MWA Constitution 2023 – minor amendment
At the 2023 AGM held at MWA on Wednesday 24 May 2023, the new MWA Constitution (2023), was formally proposed and unanimously supported by special resolution. The new MWA Constitution was lodged and registered with DMIRS, Associations Branch and approved, effective 7 July 2023 BUT requires a minor wording amendment in CL 18.3.
The attached document shows the current wording of Cl 18.3 as it appears in the version lodged and the proposed amended wording, to make this section legislatively compliant, as directed by DMIRS, Association Branch. Although minor, the change MUST be approved by special resolution of MWA Council (delegates) .
This advice is provided to Members that the amendment will be presented as a formal MWA Board motion at the 2024 AGM in April to formalise the vote to pass this amendment, as required.
The MWA Constitution (2023) is accessible via the MWA Website or via this link – https://www.motorcyclingwa.org.au/governance/