The Board of Motorcycling WA is happy to announce the appointment of Colin Cameron as the new CEO replacing Carl Grossetti who has chosen to leave when his contract expires in March 2024. The board was pleasantly surprised by the level of interest in the role, in particular from members of MWA, such that […]
MA Crew License and Personal Accident Insurance
Clubs, Promoters and competitor supporters at our permitted events are reminded that the MA Crew Licence will provide all holders with Personal Accident insurance under the MAIL insurance scheme. The national Crew License is available to any crew, family or friends supporting a competitor in or around your events. Following increased governance and compliance around event […]
MWA Learn to Ride with Kat Kingsley.
New Dates: 28th October and 11th November – Register Now! Gear up and get ready for the ultimate learning experience! Unleash Your Inner Biker – Conquer the art of learning to ride, in a safe controlled environment. Master your craft – Accredited instructors will guide your child to become a true motorcycle maestro. […]
CEO Departure and Recruitment Process
In consultation with the Board, I have made the decision not to pursue a new contract as the CEO of Motorcycling WA when my contract expires at the end of February 2024. It has been an interesting and sometimes challenging role to be the CEO of MWA over the past three years and […]
Information Bulletin #2050
Affected Disciplines:MX, SX, Enduro, Dirt Track, Track, Flat Track, Supermoto Information Pertains to:Stark Varg eligibility to compete at Motorcycle Events. Ruling:MA continues to compile documentation around the process and procedures required for electricmachines for future participation in MA-sanctioned Events. With the development of theseprocesses and procedures, MA believes that the Stark Varg will be eligible […]
Club Constitutions – Review and update – Governance
Dear Club Presidents / Affiliates As you know, part of the affiliation to MWA, as members of registered not for profit clubs, requires that you provide us a copy of your club’s Constitution. MWA has a number of club constitutions on record but many of them have not been reviewed since they were created in the original format […]