Ride, Race, Enjoy.
Medical Suspensions are applied after receiving report of an injury occurring at a permitted Motorcycling Australia (MA) event by the on-site medical team and acting officials. You will receive a temporary suspension on your MA licence. This is applied to your Ridernet profile, and you are prohibited from riding in all MA events, riding, including practice on all MA licensed venues. Suspensions will be applied by the responsible state controlling body (SCB) of the event. Clearances must be submitted to and approved by the responsible (SCB) of the event of where the injury occurred. If a suspension is applied at a national event, clearances must be submitted for review to Motorcycling Australia (MA).
All medical clearances must be completed by a medical practitioner. Clearances must state you are clear of injury sustained and are fit to return to motorcycle activities. Clearances can be uploaded to your Ridernet profile under Suspensions tab or alternatively submitted to SCB for review.
If you have a medical concussion suspension, you will need to undergo a concussion assessment with a medical practitioner, this includes completion of the MA mandatory form Return to Sport. Your doctor may also choose to complete a SCAT6 assessment.
A written letter by the medical practitioner may also be included in conjunction with the Return to Sport form. The letter alone is not enough for clearance. A Return to Sport form must be completed in order to receive a clearance for all concussion suspensions.
When a concussion medical suspension has been applied to your licence you automatically enter into the Concussion protocol. This includes a mandatory exclusion period and an assessment to be completed with a medical practitioner.
Mandatory Exclusion Period for all concussion suspensions are
18 & under 20 days starting from day of injury (return to riding day 21)
19+ 10 days starting from day of injury (return to riding day 11)
This exclusion includes all riding including practice & recreational events. It is suggested that you return to practice first to regain confidence prior to returning to competition following a suspension.
Please see attached MA documents below to assist in understanding concussion management.
MA Concussion Management Guidelines
Click on links for more information concerning concussion
Medical & concussion – Motorcycling Australia (ma.org.au)
Traumatic Brain Injury | Concussions & TBIs Australia Resources (connectivity.org.au)