In short:
- Motorcycle clubs which affiliate with a State Controlling Body automatically receive wide-ranging insurance coverage under Motorcycling Australia’s National Insurance Program, including a no-excess public liability policy.
- Take the financial risk out of running a motorcycle club with insurance built by the sport, for the sport.
- Motorcycle club cover also extends to Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- A huge catalogue of broader affiliation benefits for motorcycle clubs including logistical and operational support, coaching, rider development and event management.
Motorcycling is exhilarating, and being part of a motorcycle club that allows people to indulge in their passion is an extremely rewarding experience.
Like any organisation, there are myriad ‘moving’ parts to running a motorcycle club where a premium is placed on teamwork, organisation and effective decision making to provide the best service to not only members but third-party participants, coaches, officials, volunteers, contractors and spectators who are under their authority.
However, the reality is that running a motorcycle club has its challenges, and there are various risks involved in the pursuit, from accidental injuries to property damage, which could potentially put your club at financial risk.
That’s why insurance cover is a must, including a public liability policy. There is a statutory requirement to do so, but public liability insurance is also critical for financially safeguarding motorcycle clubs and its participants, and it also shows that clubs are taking their responsibilities seriously.
Based on those key pillars, what if we said public liability insurance cover already exists for motorcycle clubs that takes away all the financial risk? That’s right: saying goodbye to all those ‘what ifs’ so clubs can focus on what they do best rather than worrying about potential financial stress.
That’s peace of mind enough, but here’s the real shot in the arm: the insurance also doesn’t require an excess in the event of a claim! Yep, not one cent, which is in stark contrast to many other professional sports where excesses can be stratospheric – literally in the thousands of dollars – and have the potential to bring a cash-strapped club to its knees.
A no-excess policy is indeed rarified air in professional sport, so there must be a catch? Absolutely not, and here’s why: all motorcycle clubs affiliated with a State Controlling Body (SCB) in Australia automatically receive comprehensive insurance coverage under Motorcycling Australia’s National Insurance Program (NIP).
The NIP operates within the boundaries of Motorcycling Australia’s insurance arm called MAIL (MA Insurance Limited), which provides bespoke coverage for clubs and where profits go back into motorcycle sport.
It’s insurance built by the sport, for the sport, where exacting standards of safety, organisation and support are the core ingredients. The insurance is not only for affiliated clubs, either: there’s also extensive coverage for MA, SCBs, MA licence holders, volunteer officials, accredited coaches and accredited media participating in MA-sanctioned events.
The automatic insurance cover via SCB affiliation provides clubs with the following:
Public Liability Insurance. Protection against liability to pay compensation for personal injury, property damage or advertising injury due to negligence occurring in connection with an MA permitted event.
- Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Insurance. Protection for club board, committee and management against liability to pay damages arising from the decisions and actions taken within the scope of acting in those roles.
- Professional Indemnity Insurance. Protection for club, its board, committee and management, and for accredited coaches against claims for monetary loss by a third party because of incorrect professional advice.
The MAIL public liability policy is wide-ranging, providing cover for the administration, organising, preparation and conducting of Motorcycling Australia-permitted motorcycle and quad bike race events, practice and training sessions, educational programmes and any other activity incidental thereto including non-motor sport activity.
MA has control over public liability claims, which means the interests of the affiliate and the sport are always given a high priority.
As the peak body of motorcycle sport in Australia, the value proposition of being a part of the Motorcycling Australia community is compelling – and we’re not just talking about safeguarding the future.
Thanks to its long and distinguished history, Motorcycling Australia already has the runs on the board for supporting clubs with broader affiliation benefits. We’ve already touched on the wide-ranging insurance coverage, but there’s also so much more:
Club support
- Access to the national online RiderNet club memberships and licensing modules;
- “MA Track Standards” is a comprehensive document that covers all disciplines and provides current principles for appropriate track construction, management and infrastructure;
- Club governance support;
- Access to professional staff;
- Advocacy: Representation at state and national levels to advocate for better facilities and support;
- Tools and resources: Access to administrative support, policy development, and a comprehensive online resource, ‘The Toolbox’;
- Media support;
- Exclusive discounts: Corporate partner benefits, including discounts and special offers;
- Riding overseas: MA national competition licence holders can compete in international FIM events; and
- Officials’ and coaches’ accreditation schemes and access to huge databases.
Event management
- Nationally recognised rules and regulations via the Manual of Motorcycle Sport;
- Access to the national RiderNet event management module; and
- Event management structures (e.g. permits, guidelines and associated structures).
It’s all about a collective: being part of a bigger team where everyone has the opportunity, inspiration and the freedom to get moving through motorcycling.
Affiliating with your SCB and joining the wider Motorcycling Australia community is the key driver in making that happen.