Dear Club Presidents / Affiliates
As you know, part of the affiliation to MWA, as members of registered not for profit clubs, requires that you provide us a copy of your club’s Constitution. MWA has a number of club constitutions on record but many of them have not been reviewed since they were created in the original format (some typewritten!) many years ago.
Your club executive committee should review their constitution from time to time and check that your “rules” are still contemporary, the content valid or whether they need updating. Any proposed changes to your constitution need to be presented to your membership (and formally accepted via special resolution) and then formally registered with DMIRS – Associations Branch.
The attached guidelines – A guide for NFP Associations – includes a valuable checklist (Schedule 1, page 11-12) on what should be included in your Constitution. The checklist aligns with WA Laws for registered NFP Associations, which we all must comply with.
MWA recently updated our Constitution earlier this year and the content and format can be found here (as a guide) – https://www.motorcyclingwa.org.au/governance/
Would you please discuss this important topic at your next committee and send MWA (Nathalie – admin@motorcyclingwa.org.au) a copy of your existing Constitution.