Motorcycling WA is seeking expressions of interest from interested persons seeking to make a valuable contribution towards the development of our sport. The Road Racing Sporting Panel will consist of up to six (6) members, or a number chosen and agreed to by the MWA Board. Appointment will be for a period of 2 years.
MWA would like suitably experienced individuals to express their interest to form the Road Racing Sporting Panel, as an advisory group to assist in developing the growth and future direction of the Road Racing, Historic and Supermoto (Tarmac) disciplines.
Outcomes in which this cohesive and functional group will work towards will include (but are not limited) to the following areas:
– Act as a single point of contact for road racing discipline clubs to raise their inquiries
– Contribute to Championship & Supplementary Regulation development/review
– Assistance with the Complaints/Appeals Process – as subject matter experts, when required
– Have the entirety of discipline as a priority interest.
Please note that the attached nomination form must be submitted to Motorcycling Western Australia by close of business Friday 8 July 2022